Dr. David L. Abrahamson Staff Professor Emeritus emaildabrahamson@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-8038 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. John R. Burke Faculty Professor emailjburke@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-8038 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Stephanie A. Costa Faculty Professor emailscosta@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-8038 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Frederick F. Harrop Faculty Associate Professor emailfharrop@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-9640 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Lisa D. Humphreys Faculty Professor emaillhumphreys@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-8038 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Raimundo M. Kovac Faculty Associate Professor emailrkovac@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-9753 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Vivian La Ferla Staff Professor Emerita emailvlaferla@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-8038 local_offer Department of Educational Studies Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Mark Medwid Faculty Associate Professor emailmmedwid@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-8038 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Leonardo Pinheiro Faculty Associate Professor emaillpinheiro@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-9781 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences Graduate Committee Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Rebecca L. Sparks Faculty Professor emailrsparks@ehulk.net local_phone401-456-9881 local_offer Department of Mathematical Sciences RIC AFT Council of Rhode Island College